Unique Project Ideas to Improve Your React Skills

What does a programmer want after learning a new language/framework? Practice and projects, right? So, I’m going to tell you some unique projects you can make to practice and improve your React Skills.
At the end of each project, I have added a section where I’ll tell you how can challenge yourself even more in that project, how you can improve that project, etc. And, I promise you that after the completion of each project, you’ll learn something new and become better. I’ll try my best to keep only the best and unique project ideas on this list. Now, let’s begin!
1. Movie Recommendation App

You might also face this question: What should I watch next? If yes, you’re not alone, many people want recommendations about what to watch next. This project can help them, as well as you, to improve your skills. Now, the first question that comes to you is what to use to make this project. The answer is simple! If you’re an intermediate, use machine learning. For beginners, an API will do the work. There are several APIs you can use in this project, including the most famous movie database API, IMDb. But if you ask me, I would suggest TMDb. It’s an alternative, in fact, a suitable alternative to IMDb. The best part is, it’s free!
Seems Very Easy?
- Try To Add login and Sign up functions.
- Ask the user for his/her preferred genre and try to show recommendations according to it.
- Add ‘Search for Movie,’ Option.
- Add the “Give Ratings” option.
2. Quiz App

You mightn’t call it a unique project, but it is! If you’re a beginner, I’ll suggest that you make just a basic Quiz app, but for intermediate developers, I would suggest scaling this quiz app to a bigger scale. Now, let me explain what I meant by ‘bigger scale’. You can add awesome features, such as categorized quizzes, points system, sign up and log in, online leaderboard, and many more. For adding questions, you’ve two ways: the first one is to make your own question API (if you’re familiar with backend development), the second and most preferred way is to use an API. I don’t think that I need to list APIs. You can easily find some online. If you still find this idea boring, there’s one more idea you can try. Create a platform where people can create and attend surveys online. Creators should also be able to see stats related to their surveys like how many people attended surveys, how many of them are male, how many were teens, etc.
Seems Very Easy?
- Add an option to buy hints.
- In the quiz app, add an option where people can also create and share their projects.
- Focus on UI also, not just on logic.
3. Travel Advisor

Do you love travelling? Well, many of us do. That’s what makes this project helpful for both you and for the visitors of this app. At the very beginning level, you can make a basic Map, which shows information as cards when user clicks on a location. For. For intermediates, I would recommend a big scale app, with good UI and UX, and of course, you can take inspirations from big names. You can make this app for the entire world, or for your own country. Food guide, hotel guide, restaurant guide are some features you can add. You can use Google Maps, and of course, you can discover APIs according to the features you’re gonna use in your app. Now again, I’m advising you, just because you’re making this project to practice React, Don’t skip the designing part! Try to be as professional as you can.
Seems Very Easy?
- Add a search bar
- Add lists like favorites, add to wishlist, visited, etc.
- Add a rating system.
4. Sports Website

I would recommend this one to only those who are interested in sports. You can also make a website limited to one sport. Now what to put on this website? See, there are plenty of options! You can make a sports news website, score update website, or if you like sports too much, you can even start a blog. I don’t think that I need to list sport APIs, there are dozens of them. For beginners who don’t know where to find them, you can go to Rapid API. There are 30,000+ APIs available on this platform! If you want to make this project on a larger scale, you can try to mix up ideas. You can make a website which shows the latest scores, news and blogs, just like ESPN.
Seems Very Easy?
- Add comments feature.
- Work more on UI and UX.
6. Group Chat App

Before explaining anything else about this project, let me first tell you that this is not that boring and basic chat application idea. In fact, I’ve enhanced the view. What my idea says is to create an application where people can form groups and chat in that groups, but wait, there’s more! People can do a lot more in those groups, including voice calling, video calling, group calling, arrange or join events, and many more. Now, as you can notice, this project is on a bigger scale, so, I don’t suggest this project to beginners. You can, of course, add more features according to your interests and creativity. There are some big names from which you can take ideas and inspiration. My favorite ones are Slack and Discord. In fact, Discord inspired this entire project.
Seems Very Easy?
- Allow your users to add other people as friends and to chat with them.
The End
That’s all for this article. Hope this article helps you. If yes, please leave a comment. If you made any of these projects, kindly share your website/GitHub repository link in comments so that it gives confidence to other developers.
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