Decentralized architecture has undoubtedly revolutionized software development, driving remarkable progress and scalability. However, it also brought new challenges that hinder future growth and advancement. Harmony connects decentralized architectures into unified, cohesive platforms. It transforms what was once an extremely complex undertaking into something as straightforward as building a simple app. Check out "Meet Harmony" on Bits and Pieces for more.
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RTFM in Angular and TypeScript: A Developer's Best Ally
Angular and TypeScript developers, whether beginners or experts, frequently encounter challenges that can often be resolved simply by consulting the official documentation. Linus Torvalds' rephrased...
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Subverting control with weak references
Weak references are neat. The best language features unlock different kinds of abstractions, and weak references do exactly that. Let me show you why.
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Meet Harmony
An open source library for composing consistent and highly performant platforms from independent business features
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Is JavaScript the Right Tool for the Job?
JavaScript's dominance doesn't make it a universal solution. A balanced perspective acknowledges its strengths and weaknesses, allowing developers to make informed choices for successful projects.
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5 Most Powerful Advanced JavaScript Concepts
Just as you're about to dig into your favorite dessert, Dad, the tech guru, leans forward with a gleam in his eye. Grandpa starts by explaining closures. "Imagine I tell you a secret, Bhuwan,"...
Authored by: JavaScript Kicks
The unexpected way in which conditional types constrain type variables in TypeScript
The TypeScript handbook makes an interesting statement: "Often, the checks in a conditional type will provide us with some new information. Just like narrowing with type guards can give us a more specific type, the true branch of a conditional type will further constrain generics by the type we check against."
Authored by: Axel Rauschmayer
Array type notation: `T[]` vs. `Array ` in TypeScript
In this blog post, we explore two equivalent notations for Arrays in TypeScript: T[] and Array . I prefer the latter and will explain why.
Authored by: Axel Rauschmayer
Optimize Blog Management with Angular Gantt Chart
In this blog, we’ll explore how you can enhance your blog management process using the Syncfusion Angular Gantt Chart.
Authored by: Syncfusion
Infinite Scroll without React Query- The Shortest Guide Ever
You're scrolling through your favorite social media app - Instagram, Twitter, or LinkedIn. You never have to click "Next Page." Before we start coding, ensure you have a working React environment. If...
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Simple Interactive CLI App with Node.js
Learn how to build a simple interactive CLI app with Node.js and TypeScript. Create a chat interface that reads user input and responds interactively ...
Authored by: Robin Wieruch
Recommended Packages for Exporting to PDF in Nodejs
In creating applications, the need for data processing exported to PDF output will always be there. Example of an invoice in an e-commerce web application. Here I will give recommendations for...
Authored by: JavaScript Kicks