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    Why serverless fits side-projects perfectly

    We've talked about how a $12 AWS bill runs a $50k business. Today let's talk about why.

    Think about the load on this newsletter builder:

    How do you think it works? architecture

    The frontend for TechLetterApp is a create-react-app project. Nothing fancy. You can see the code on GitHub.

    It runs on Vercel, using their git integration. git push origin master deploys new code in 2 minutes.

    On the left, a <textarea> uses onChange callbacks to update values in global state. Shared via context in a cumbersome way because I was new to context 2 years ago. 😇

    // MarkdownInput.js
    export default () => (
        {({ markdown, onChangeMarkdown }) => (
            <Textarea onChange={onChangeMarkdown} value={markdown} />

    Every change triggers a re-render of the LetterRender component. This detail is important.

    // LetterRender.js
    export default React.forwardRef((props, ref) => {
      const { markdown } = useContext(MarkdownContext)
      const rendered = useRemark(markdown)
      return (
        <div ref={ref}>
            Rendered{" "}
            <span role="img" aria-label="face">
              {" "}

    useRemark() turns markdown into React

    See this line?

    const rendered = useRemark(markdown)

    That's the frontend secret sauce.

    A compiler that takes Markdown and uses a chain of open source and custom remark plugins. One of the components it creates is called <Screenshot>.

    // Screenshot.js
    function Screenshot({ node }) {
      const [image, setImage] = useState(loaderImg)
      const reloadImage = async () => {
        try {
          const res = await fetch(node.url),
            response = await res.json()
          if (response.status === "success") {
          } else {
            throw "Screenshot error"
        } catch (e) {
      useEffect(() => {
      }, [node])
      // display image

    Screenshot is important 👉 makes an API request const res = await fetch(node.url) every time you sneeze.

    Look at this:

    soooooo many requests, every character triggers a new one 😂

    I knew it was bad, but I didn't realize it was that bad until I made this gif.

    PS: it's because node changes object identity on every change. Effect should run on node.url.

    A traffic pattern that kills your project

    Every one of those requests talked to a server. The server had to:

    1. Run Chrome in headless mode without UI
    2. Load a special tweet embedder site running on Vercel
    3. Wait for the page to load
    4. Find the right DOM node
    5. Measure its size
    6. Take a screenshot
    7. Save to a temporary file
    8. Upload that file to S3
    9. Return the S3 link

    Now imagine doing that 120 times while you type a sentence. Or 20 times all at once when you paste a document.

    Server doesn't know you're bailing my friend, it finishes the full cycle every time. Yes my S3 is full of crap 😅

    What do you think traffic looks like?

    Typical traffic pattern
    Typical traffic pattern

    Days of nothing followed by a huge spike followed by lots of nothing. Your worst nightmare.

    How many servers do you set up? 🤔

    How serverless makes this work

    Traffic like that is where serverless shines.

    Google likes to call serverless architectures ‌from prototype to production to planet-scale.

    You don't want to use serverless at planet scale, but Google is right: Serverless scales. A lot.

    With serverless, you don't need to think about traffic patterns and provisioning. Average load? Peak load? Lowest load? Auto-scaling? Who cares 🤷‍♀️

    At rest, serverless does nothing. No requests, no server, no cost.

    When ALL THE REQUESTS COME, serverless rallies the troops.

    Each request creates a new server in milliseconds. Fastest I've seen was in the 20ms range for small functions. The screenshot lambda takes about half a second. Needs to run Chrome and Chrome is fat 🙃

    You get up to 1000 of these in parallel on AWS. Other providers are different.

    And I don't mean 1000 requests per second, oh no, I mean 1000 servers all at once. If your code takes 50ms to run, that's 50,000 requests per second. 🚀

    Speed depends on what you're doing. Screenshots are slow.

    What about traditional servers?

    Now imagine TechLetterApp didn't have scale on demand ...

    You have 2 options:

    1. Servers for average load – 2 requests per day 🤨
    2. Servers for peak load – 200 requests per minute 💸

    Both suck.

    A newsletter builder that can do 2 screenshots per day is useless. Takes you a week to build 1 email.

    Scale to peak load of 200 per minute and you're throwing money in the furnace. Can you imagine the cost?

    You end up with a middle ground: Enough servers to work okay but not great.

    And that's how I kept crashing my friend's side project and nagging him on Slack every night while getting the Serverless Handbook print ready. He built a tool that takes markdown and turns it into a print PDF. Runs a render on every save.

    It crashed. A lot. Shit's hard 😅

    What do you think? Getting ideas yet? 😛 Hit reply


    Published on March 10th, 2021 in Serverless, Technical, Indiehacking

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