5 String Manipulation Libraries for JavaScript
Handle case conversions, removing diacritic characters, unicode handling, url handling and more

Working with strings can be a cumbersome task as there are many different use cases. For example, a simple task like converting a string to camel case can require several lines of code to achieve the end goal.
function camelize(str) {
return str.replace(/(?:^\w|[A-Z]|\b\w|\s+)/g, function(match, index) {
if (+match === 0) return ""; // or if (/\s+/.test(match)) for white spaces
return index === 0 ? match.toLowerCase() : match.toUpperCase();
The above code snippet is the most voted answer in StackOverflow. But that too fails to address cases where the string is ---Foo---bAr---

This is where string manipulation libraries come to the rescue. They make it easy to implement complex string manipulations and also consider all possible use cases for a given problem. This helps on your end as you simply need to call a single method to get a working solution.
Let’s look at a few string manipulation libraries for JavaScript.
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1. String.js
, or simply S
is a lightweight (< 5 kb minified and gzipped) JavaScript library for the browser or for Node.js that provides extra String methods.
npm i string
Notable Methods
- between(left, right) — Extracts a string between
This can be used when trying to get the elements between two tags in HTML.
var S = require('string');
S('<a>This is a link</a>').between('<a>', '</a>').s
// 'This is a link'
- camelize() — Remove any underscores or dashes and convert a string into camel casing.
This function can be used to solve the problem mentioned at the beginning of this article.
var S = require('string');
- humanize() — Transforms the input into a human-friendly form.
This function implemented from scratch would definitely require quite a number of lines of code.
var S = require('string');
S(' capitalize dash-CamelCase_underscore trim ').humanize().s //'Capitalize dash camel case underscore trim'
- stripPunctuation() — Strip all of the punctuation in the given string.
If you implement this function from scratch, there is a high chance that you might miss a punctuation.
var S = require('string');
S('My, st[ring] *full* of %punct)').stripPunctuation().s;
//My string full of punct
You can check out more methods over here.
2. Voca
Voca is a JavaScript string manipulation library. Change case, trim, pad, slugify, latinise, sprintf’y, truncate, escape and other useful string manipulation methods are available in the Voca library. To reduce application builds, the modular design allows you to load the complete library or specific functions. The library has been completely tested, is well documented, and provides long-term support.
npm i voca
Notable Methods
- Camel Case(String data)
Converts the data to camel case.
var v = require('voca');
v.camelCase('foo Bar');
// => 'fooBar'v.camelCase('FooBar');
// => 'fooBar'v.camelCase('---Foo---bAr---');
// => 'fooBar'
- Latinise(String data)
Latinises the data
by removing diacritic characters.
var v = require('voca');
v.latinise('cafe\u0301'); // or 'café'
// => 'cafe'v.latinise('août décembre');
// => 'aout decembre'v.latinise('как прекрасен этот мир');
// => 'kak prekrasen etot mir'
- isAlphaDigit(String data)
Checks whether data
contains only alpha and digit characters. (Alphanumeric)
var v = require('voca');
// => truev.isAlphaDigit('1448');
// => truev.isAlphaDigit('40-20');
// => false
- CountWords(String data)
Counts the number of words in the data
var v = require('voca');
v.countWords('gravity can cross dimensions');
// => 4v.countWords('GravityCanCrossDimensions');
// => 4v.countWords('Gravity - can cross dimensions!');
// => 4
- EscapeRegExp(String data)
Escapes the regular expression special characters - [ ] / { } ( ) * + ? . \ ^ $ |
in data
var v = require('voca');
// => '\(hours\)\[minutes\]\{seconds\}'
You can check out more over here.
3. Anchorme.js
This is a tiny, fast Javascript library that helps detect links / URLs / Emails in text and convert them to clickable HTML anchor links.
- It’s Highly sensitive with the least false positives.
- It validates URLs and Emails against full IANA list.
- Validates port numbers (if present).
- Validates IP octet numbers (if present).
- Works on nonlatin alphabets URLs.
npm i anchorme
import anchorme from "anchorme";
//var anchorme = require("anchorme").default;const input = "some text with a link.com";
const resultA = anchorme(input);
//some text with a <a href="http://link.com">link.com</a>
You can pass in additional extensions to customize the function further.
4. Underscore String
Underscore.string is string manipulation extension for JavaScript that you can use with or without Underscore.js. Underscore.string is a JavaScript library for comfortable manipulation with strings, an extension for Underscore.js inspired by Prototype.js, Right.js, and Underscore.
Underscore.string provides you several useful functions: capitalize, clean, includes, count, escapeHTML, unescapeHTML, insert, splice, startsWith, endsWith, titleize, trim, truncate and so on.
npm install underscore.string
Notable Methods
- numberFormat(number) — Formats the numbers
Format numbers into strings with decimal and order separation.
var _ = require("underscore.string");_.numberFormat(1000, 3)
=> "1,000.000"_.numberFormat(123456789.123, 5, '.', ',');
=> "123,456,789.12300"
- levenshtein(string1,string2) — Calculates Levenshtein distance between two strings.
Learn more about the levenshtein distance algorithm here.
var _ = require("underscore.string");_.levenshtein('kitten', 'kittah');
=> 2
- chop(string, step) — chops the given string into pieces
var _ = require("underscore.string");_.chop('whitespace', 3);
=> ['whi','tes','pac','e']
Learn more about Underscore String over here.
5. Stringz
The main highlight of this library is that it is unicode aware. If you run this below code, the output will be 2.
// -> 2
This is because String.length() returns the number of code units in the string, not the number of characters. Actually some chars, in the range 010000–03FFFF and 040000–10FFFF can use up to 4 bytes (32 bits) per code point, but this doesn’t change the answer: some chars require more than 2 bytes to be represented, so they need more than 1 code point.
You can read more about the JavaScript unicode problem here.
npm install stringz
Notable Methods
- limit(string, limit, padString, padPosition)
Limit the string to a given width.
const stringz = require('stringz');// Truncate:
stringz.limit('Life’s like a box of chocolates.', 20);
// "Life's like a box of"// Pad:
stringz.limit('Everybody loves emojis!', 26, '💩');
// "Everybody loves emojis!💩💩💩"
stringz.limit('What are you looking at?', 30, '+', 'left');
// "++++++What are you looking at?"// Unicode Aware:
stringz.limit('🤔🤔🤔', 2);
// "🤔🤔"
stringz.limit('👍🏽👍🏽', 4, '👍🏽');
// "👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽"
- toArray(string)
Convert the string to an Array
const stringz = require('stringz');stringz.toArray('abc');
// ['a','b','c']//Unicode aware
// ['👍🏽', '🍆', '🌮']
To know more about Stringz, visit their Github here.
Learn More
If you have any suggestions or comments, kindly let me know in the comments.