Syncfusion Essential Studio® 2021 Volume 2 Is Here! | Syncfusion Blogs
Syncfusion Essential Studio 2021 Volume 2 Is Here!

Syncfusion is glad to announce the availability of Essential Studio® 2021 Volume 2. This main release of 2021 brings exciting new features and controls to different platforms. This blog will provide a brief description of the major highlights of every platform.



  • You can edit the content in the DataGrid inline based on the type of column.
  • You can drill up or down in the hierarchy of tiles in a Treemap.
  • Keyboard navigation was improved to perform all operations without the help of the mouse in the Calendar widget.
  • The PDF Viewer widget supports deployment to macOS.
  • Using the Flutter PDF Library, you can import and export form data from a PDF document into the following formats:
    • XFDF
    • FDF
    • XML
    • JSON
  • The Radial bar chart supports indicating the value above the maximum value by overfilling.
  • The following features are available in the Charts widget:
    • Floating legend
    • Deselecting a control
    • Long-press and double-tap interaction


  • With step frequency support, the Circular Gauge now allows selecting discrete values while dragging the pointer.
  • The AutoComplete and ComboBox controls support keeping the drop-down list open to select multiple items.
  • The PDF Viewer supports:
    • Rendering shape annotations with a cloud border.
    • Rendering, adding, modifying, saving, and removing polygon and cloud-shaped annotations.


  • Tailwind CSS theming support for all Syncfusion Blazor UI components.
  • A new version of Blazor Diagram: a native Blazor component library for creating diagrams using code-behind or visual interface. It provides better performance than the existing diagram control in the Blazor WebAssembly application. This component includes basic interactions, snapping, guidelines, gridlines, serialization, and zooming.
  • The DataGrid component now supports:
    • Lazy loading with grouping on the server-side to render the records in a collapsed state when binding a large volume of data.
    • Freezing specific rows and columns on the right side of the grid and make the remaining grid content scrollable.
    • Freezing columns with virtualization, allowing users to load large amounts of data without any performance degradation.
  • The following improvements were made in the Pivot Table:
    • The fields panel located above the grouping bar displays the fields available in the data source that are not bound to the report. You can drag these fields into the appropriate axes. Any field removed from any axis will automatically be added to the fields panel.
    • Edit a pivot table value cell directly without the use of an external edit dialog.
  • The Scheduler component lets users:
    • Render a mobile-adaptive layout on desktop devices. Also, render a desktop view on mobile devices.
    • Customize the total number of months in year and timeline year views.

Essential JS 2

  • Tailwind CSS theming support for all the Syncfusion Essential JS 2 controls.
  • The PDF Viewer now supports:
    • Designing forms with text boxes, password boxes, checkboxes, radio buttons, combo boxes, list boxes, drop-down boxes, and signature fields.
    • Adding annotations such as shapes, measurements, text markup, stamps, sticky notes, free text, and ink programmatically.
  • The Scheduler component lets users:
    • Render a mobile-adaptive layout on desktop devices. Also, render a desktop view on mobile devices.
    • Customize the total number of months in year and timeline year views.
  • The following improvements were made in the DataGrid:
    • Drag and drop rows within a grid when virtual scrolling is enabled.
    • Edit the grid while column virtualization is enabled.
    • Export the grid data in CSV format with customization support.


  • Smart tags were provided for all WPF controls to customize properties easily in the designer. This support will be available for Visual Studio version 16.10 and above.
  • 30+ new color palettes have been provided in Fluent, Material, and Office 2019 themes.
  • Diagram’s stencil was improved to match the behavior in Visio, allowing symbol search, drag and drop, context menu support, and so on.
  • Resize and collapse the items of the ribbon bar in a specific order.
  • Maps control allows users to add multiple shapes such as polygons, polylines, and circles to a single ShapeFileLayer.
  • PDF Viewer can import and export annotations in PDF files in the FDF and XFDF formats.


  • With step frequency support, the Circular Gauge allows selecting discrete values while dragging the pointer.
  • Maps control now allows users to add multiple shapes such as polygons, polylines, and circles to a single ShapeFileLayer.
  • RichTextBox preserves the text box shape with a square wrapping style when viewing Word documents.

File formats

.NET PDF Library

In the .NET PDF Library, users can:

  • Remove images from existing PDF documents.
  • Redact PDF graphical paths and shapes in PDF documents.
  • Easily track the progress of redactions.

.NET Word Library

The .NET Word Library lets users:

  • Access and modify the locale identifier for bidirectional language text in a Word document.
  • Access a parent comment instance in a Word document.
  • Preserve the following underline styles during Word-to-PDF conversion:
    • DashLong
    • Words
    • DashHeavy
    • DashLongHeavy
    • DotDashHeavy

.NET PowerPoint Library

  • The .NET PPTX Library preserves multicolumn content when converting a PPTX to PDF or image formats.

Java Word Library

The Java Word Library lets users:

  • Access and modify the locale identifier for bidirectional language text in a Word document.
  • Access a parent comment instance in a Word document


The features listed here are just some of the highlights in our Essential Studio® 2021 Volume 2 release. You can check out the list of all the features in our release notes and on the What’s New page.

Try these features and share your feedback as comments in this blog. You can also reach us through our support forums, Direct-Trac, or feedback portal.

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Suresh M

Meet the Author

Suresh M

Suresh is a Product Manager at Syncfusion and a technology enthusiast. He helps people follow best practices in coding and in using Syncfusion controls in their applications. Follow Syncfusion Blogs to learn and enhance your programming skills.

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