10 GitHub Repos to Master JavaScript for Free
If you are paying for Bootcamps and courses to learn JavaScript and build projects, these resources are for you. They are amazing little tools to help you learn JavaScript for free!🚀
These free repositories contain everything you need to learn JavaScript — they cover the most basic to the core concepts and also have how-to style guides, books, projects, etc.
Hey, there! I am Harshith! I create content on Web 3.0, web development, and productivity. Feel free to check these out and subscribe for more amazing articles!
1. javascript-algorithms
Learn algorithms and data structures.
2. You-Dont-Know-JS
Learn core concepts of JavaScript.
3. wtfjs
Learn with examples.
4. javascript-questions
Advanced JavaScript question to prepare.
5. clean-code-javascript
Find the best code snippets for JavaScript.
Also read📌
6. ES6-for-humans
Es6 best practices!
7. nodebestpractices
Node.js best practices you can learn.
8. javascript-interview-questions
Prepare for your interview now!
9. js-stack-from-scratch
Learn JavaScript from scratch!
This helps 😊
10. JavaScript30
Learn JavaScript for 30 days by being consistent!
And that’s all I’ve got. There are a lot more resources to learn for free so feel free to add some if you have any!
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