Top 10 JavaScript Interview Questions

1. What are the Truthy and Falsy values?
Answer: A truthy value is like true and a falsy value is like false. These are as follows:
falsy values -> 0, “”, undefined, null, NaN, false
truthy values-> “0” , “ “, [], {}, ‘false’
So, If we use one of these values in the if-else statement then we will get the same output which is shown below. In this given example, I will show you these values using ternary expression inside the console.log() method.
2. What is the difference between null and undefined?
Answer: Firstly, null means an empty or non-existent value. It is supposed to be something that doesn’t exist. It can be assigned to a variable as a representation of an empty value.
On the other hand, undefined means a variable has been declared but its value has not been assigned. In the function, If we don’t pass the parameters, it shows undefined.
3. What is the difference between double equal (==) and triple equal (===)?
Answer: Double equal ==
is an abstract equality operator. It checks whether its two operands are the same or not by changing the expression from one data type to another.
On the other hand, Triple equal ===
is a strict equality operator which returns false for the values which are not of a similar type. Triple Equals does not perform type coercion.
4. What is 'this’
Answer: It refers to an object which is executing the current bit of JavaScript code. While executing every JavaScript function has a reference to its current executing context, it's called this
5. How to check for a prime number?
Answer: A prime number is a natural number that is only divisible by 1 and itself. For example 2, 3, 5, 7 are the prime number. On the other hand, 4 is not a prime number because it is divisible by 1, 2, and 4 itself.
6. Find the largest element of an array?
Answer: We can find the largest element of an array using the for-loop method.
7. How to use the JavaScript callback function?
Answer: In JavaScript, we can pass a function as an argument to a function. This function that is passed as an argument inside of another function is called a callback function.
In this given code, there are two functions and while calling the greet()
function, two arguments (a string value and a function) are passed.
8. What is the difference between the Let and Const?
Answer: In the Es6 version of JavaScript, variables can be declared in two more ways. The first is that we can declare a variable with the keyword let.
By applying the keyword let we can change the value of the variable more than once. If we use the keyword let in a block scope then we will not access it outside of this block scope. We can also declare a variable by applying the keyword const. But its specialty is that the value of the variable cannot be changed more than once.
9. What are the advantages of the Arrow function?
Answer: The arrow function is a method of shortcut to the function declaration. It will basically shorten our function syntax.
10. Closure in JavaScript:
Answer: When a function is able to remember and access its lexical scope even when that function executing outside its lexical scope.
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