New Ways of Working with AST

This is what you need to iterate over objects searching for a property with a key.

JavaScript in Plain English


Too many steps have been taken
returning to the root and the source.
Better to have been blind and deaf
from the beginning!
Dwelling in one’s true abode,
unconcerned with and without -
The river flows tranquilly on
and the flowers are red
© Zen Ten Bulls

Hi folks! New day, new article 😄!

Get the property

If you want to iterate over objects searching for a property with a key, operator.getProperty() is what you need.

Let’s suppose you have an object:

"test": "npm test"

Here is how you can remove property with a name test:

import {operate} from 'putout';
const {getProperty} = operate;
const testPath = getProperty(path, 'test');

Get ExportDefaultDeclaration

When you need to get export default operator.getExportDefault() will help you out!

import {operate} from 'putout';
const {getExportDefault} = operate;
const exportPath = getExportDefault(path);

How it’s related to plugins?

The thing is two new rules added to @putout/plugin-madrun that improves using madly comfortable script runner 🏎madrun.

Both of them using methods described earlier to convert .madrun.js code like this:

export default {
'test': () => [env, 'npm test'],
'test:only': () => 'npm test',
'coverage': async () => [env, await run('test')],
'coverage:only': async () => [env, await cutEnv('test:only')],


export default {
'test': () => [env, 'npm test'],
'test:only': () => 'npm test',
'coverage': async () => [env, await cutEnv('test')],
'coverage:only': async () => [env, await run('test:only')],

cutEnv() clears any env variables already passed to script, so it can be overridden with a new one like it was with a test.

It’s not needed when env doesn’t pass, like with test:only.

That’s all for today! Have a nice transforms🦉!

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