Why Choose Next.js Over Other JavaScript Frameworks in 2022
Yes, choose Next.js over React.js.

Which is better, React or Vue?
Which is the best JavaScript framework?
Is NextJS better than ReactJS?
Which JavaScript framework should I learn first?
Should I learn React or Vue?
Frame the question whichever way you want, the reality is — among developers, these questions pop up quite often. The question of whether they should choose Next.js or plain React. Whether they should choose React or Vue? These questions aren’t just popular, they also lead to a lot of debates and heated exchanges. Different variations of these questions combined have good and consistent search traffic on Google.

And if you think that’s crazy, here is a comparison of three different search terms:

No matter what search query you throw at google trends, the results are the same.
Developers are looking for answers to this question all the time.
The question is so common that multiple prominent developers have had to bow down to pressure from the community and their audience to get in the middle of answering this question.
Jeff Delaney (from fireship.io) even made a video where he makes the same app using 10 different JavaScript frameworks.
Whenever I read these discussions, and people comparing the different frameworks, I am always at a loss.
Most of the time, the comparisons I come across, are technical. The capabilities of the frameworks, the speed, the efficiency, the raw power.

And all of these discussions and comparisons end the same way, by saying that you should choose the framework depending on what your objectives are.

Big help, huh?
I have made these searches myself when I was starting to code, and these comparisons left me with more questions than answers.
I don’t want to give you a bunch of different performance metrics and show that one framework is better at one thing and the other is better at the next. But in the end, stay politically correct and stay away from giving a definitive answer to the question. I don’t want to be that guy.
So, I’ll be answering the question the right way.
The one thing these discussions often miss out on is the fact that unless you are an independent developer, you don’t get to choose the framework.
The company you work for is not going to change its framework because you said it is better.
The clients you work for as a freelancer are not going to change their website architecture because some guy they just started working with is recommending a different framework to them.
Even if the client doesn’t have a website so far, he would be having a friend who has already suggested a framework to go with. And dollars to doughnuts, your client is going to listen to his friend as compared to you.
Long story short, most of the developers have very little say in the framework they would be working with. So, a framework can be Superman personified, and yet, they will still need to work with Bizzaro. That is what’s expected out of them.
So, while I am throwing my hat in the ring, and answering the question, I would be primarily looking at it from the perspective of someone who is just starting his web development journey.
As you will see from my previous, and future stories, that’s what I am focused on. Helping up-and-coming developers get skilled at web development fast. Specially frontend development. I am all about the new developers. Someone who wants to make a career in front-end development.
Some quick, brief answers first, before we get into the actual meat of the topic
Which JavaScript framework should you learn?
Hands down. I don’t even need to think about it. If you are looking at making a career in frontend development, pick Next.js and don’t look back. You won’t regret it. We will discuss it in detail in a little bit.
Which JavaScript framework is the best?
They are all quite good.
First of all, all frameworks are based on the same guiding principles, follow more or less the same methodology and approach. Sure, it takes you some time to get used to the subtle differences between different frameworks, but they are not all that different from each other.
If you get skilled at one framework, you won’t need more than a week to get skilled at a different JavaScript framework.
Which JavaScript framework is easy to learn?
If you have zero programming experience, they will all be equally easy, or equally difficult — depending on how you categorize easy and difficult.
If you have some prior experience with HTML, you will find Vue easier on your eyes because of its templating system. React, with its classNames takes some getting used to.
If you have experience with a JavaScript framework like Angular, once again Vue would seem more familiar to you since Vue is more like an extension of Angular.
But as I said, if you have zero prior programming experience, you have an advantage. You are not suffering from any baggage. You are starting with a clean slate. So, as I have been repeatedly saying — just pick Next.js.
Which JavaScript framework is in demand?
React, and by extension, Next.js.
It is not even a contest. Just look at the search trend comparison for React developers and Vue developers.

Always remember, it is not the framework that is in demand, it is the developers skilled in that framework. So, we need to always keep that in mind.
Which JavaScript framework is most popular?
React.js and Vue.js are both equally popular.
I always refer to their GitHub repositories while answering this question, because it seems a good benchmarking methodology to me.

As you can see, they are both forked, starred, and watched nearly at the same level. This is quite interesting if you put it in the context of what we would have expected based on the Google Search Trend charts.
Maybe, independent developers prefer Vue.js over React.js? I am not sure, I have no data to comment either way on that matter.
Another thing I find interesting here is the number of releases. Vue.js seems to be pushing releases more frequently — which can be a good thing or a bad thing, depending on how you look at it.
So yeah, both frameworks. They are equally popular, from the looks of it.
Let me take a pause and give you some context behind this story. This is a story I had no intention of writing.
I had recently written a story on How to get started as a frontend developer. Today, I was writing the next story in that series — A Beginner’s guide to NextJS — no previous programming experience required.
The problem came up when I recommended choosing NextJS.
Just as I was about to get started with the actual content of the story, it hit me. I needed to give some context on why I’m recommending choosing NextJS. And in order to do that, I needed to give some context on why I’m recommending React. I ended up writing 3 sections on it. And then I realised it would be a better idea to make it a whole story. And here we are.
Anyway, enough foreplay. Let’s finish it off, shall we?
My final verdict?
Pick Next.js.
It is based on React.js, so you will be qualified for any job that needs you to have experience with React.js. You would also be able to work on any freelance project you wish to. And most importantly, if and when you feel like getting into a new job, there would be countless companies out there looking for developers matching exactly the skillsets you possess.
And before I wind up, let me tell you a little bit more about Next.js.
What is Next.js?
Next.js is a JavaScript framework for React.js, made by the guys at Vercel. It takes all the good React offers to developers and makes it even better.
There are many benefits of using Next.js over plain React:
- If you want server-side rendering in your apps, Next.js can do that. (If needed, read up on the difference between client-side rendering and server-side rendering)
- If you want to create a static site, Next.js is a better choice for you.
- Next.js improves the performance of your website by intelligently loading only the CSS and JavaScript that’s needed for the current page, so your page loads faster.
- Next.js is a clear winner when you think of SEO.
There are many more performance enhancements that Next.js brings to your life, but for the time being, I think these are enough to highlight the point that you should just go ahead and pick Next.js.
Can you learn Next.js without learning React first?
While Next.js is built on top of React.js, it is a complete framework in itself. So, when you start learning and developing systems in Next.js, you will automatically learn the principles you would have learned if you learned React.js first.
If you already know React.js, it will definitely speed up your learning of Next.js.
But, if you are completely new to programming, it is not mandatory to learn React. You can simply go ahead and start learning Next.js. Everything you need to know, you will learn along the way. Don’t worry about it.
PS: To put your mind at ease, when I started learning to code, I chose NuxtJS. Nuxt is to Vue (another popular framework) what Next is to React. And I had no problems whatsoever in jumping right in the world of Nuxt. So, go ahead and dive in with confidence.
Next.js is strong and capable enough to take good care of you.
Why am I recommending Next.js/React.js over Nuxt.js/Vue.js?
I just mentioned that when I started learning, I chose Vue and Nuxt. So it is quite natural to question my choice of recommending Next.js to you when I chose Nuxt.
Short answer?
There is just more demand for React.
We have seen it over and over again in the charts. You can see it on any job board you look at. Vue, despite its strengths, fades in comparison to React when it comes to popularity, and widespread acceptance and demand.
If you would have come to me for advice on which framework should you pick to develop your next side project, I would not have hesitated to recommend either React (Next.js) or Vue (Nuxt.js). Both are great frameworks, quite robust, capable, and amazing.
But, if you are looking at making a career in frontend development, you will always find more demand for React and Next.js developers as compared to Vue and Nuxt.js.
And with that, we settle the debate on the best JavaScript framework for you, as a developer.
Hopefully, that will make you fire up your first Next.js project now.
You can get started with the official Next.js tutorial.
Or, you can subscribe and get my next story right in your inbox. We would be building your first website — even if you have never written a single line of code in your life.
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That’s it for today. Until next time, take care!
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